Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid
Anime event takes place at the island mermaid, where the main role is played by females, who are carriers of a strange, so-called "gun virus" — A. These girls are divided into two classes, depending on their abilities: exteri, transforming into a weapon during sexual excitement, and the liberator, able to use weapons in the form of exterol. The metamorphosis is done through a process known as "Drive", which can only be used fit together the Liberatore and Exter.
The main story begins with the rescue of a young Mamoru, Tokonoma, barely arrived on the Mermaid to meet up with his future Liberatore, Mira Chicisimo. Over time between the girls formed a strong partnership that not just save both of the scrapes in which they are drawn into newfound friends.
The main story begins with the rescue of a young Mamoru, Tokonoma, barely arrived on the Mermaid to meet up with his future Liberatore, Mira Chicisimo. Over time between the girls formed a strong partnership that not just save both of the scrapes in which they are drawn into newfound friends.
- Year:
- Time:60 min.
- Source:Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid
- Genre:Fanservice
- Translate:
- Director:
- Studio:ARMS