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Seikon no Qwaser
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Seikon no Qwaser
Seikon no Qwaser
Seikon no Qwaser

Seikon no Qwaser

12 March 2016
In far Japan has it all – even the Orthodox gymnasium of St. Mikhailov, in which occurs the action of the series. Seemingly quiet private school becomes an arena of struggle between "believers" and heretics that are looking for the miraculous icon that allegedly gives the key to the greatest mysteries of the universe. Both sides of the conflict involved "kwatery" - the mysterious adepts of alchemy, who own some natural element and use it in battle. And, most interestingly, to support forces fighting mages can only give Soma – drink is very similar to human milk that magically appears in the local Schoolgirls...
The departed would have quickly made their dirty deed, if he is absent from snowy Russia Sasha hall is a young adept with the stigmata in the form of 8-final cross on the face. Together with the bearer of the secrets of Yamanobe Tomo and her friend will Mafuyu Oribe, Alexander begins his Holy crusade for the purification of the school from evil. And when you consider that the main ally of the characters name is Teresa Beria, the enemies of the faith will not envy!
  • Year:
  • Time:
    110 min.
  • Source:
    Seikon no Qwaser
  • Genre:
  • Translate:
  • Director:
  • Studio:
    Hoods Entertainment
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20 September 2018 16:00
[rating-plus][/rating-plus] [rating-minus][/rating-minus] {rating}
lezbian pls
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