Anime Kazama Mana
This anime focuses on Kazama Mana, the main character of Yakin Byoutou 2. She works for a sanatorium being an intern nurse. Mana looks around Nightingale, and he or she really wants to be an angel in white like her. But Mizukawa Ayumu, the individual whose days are numbered, tells her there's no angel and actually starts to make her the biggest market of a sex game.
An anime conversion of the eroge title from Mink's M no Violet division, seemingly definitely seems to be as vulgar since the previous Anime on Demand title: Nanase Ren.
- Year:2006
- Time:1ep. 30min.
- Source:Vn Game
- Genre:Anal sex, BDSM, Group sex, Oral sex, Scat, Drama, Hospital, Rape, Nurse, Toys
- Translate:Subtitles
- Director:Murakami Teruaki
- Studio:Flavors Soft, SugarBoy