Kyuukyoku no Chef wa Oishinbo Papa
Hentai is based on the stories popular in the nineties of the writer and artist Jin-San.
Nishikawa-San is a great chef, who has his own popular restaurant of extra class, which employs a lot of great people, as well as his favorite sexy assistant. You can say he has everything and he does not need anything. However, as soon as the working day ends, Nishikata turns into a superhero "chef" who saves young maidens from the clutches of all sorts of villains and perverts. Nishikata never refuses even the most dangerous tasks, so he has many enemies among criminal groups.
- Year:1990
- Time:1ep. 45min.
- Source:Original
- Genre:Softcore, Violence, Comedy
- Translate:RAW
- Director:Tomizawa Kazuo
- Studio:Tomizawa Kazuo