Kami Machi Sana-chan The Animation
Hentai is based on the popular visual novel "KamiMachi Sana-chan" from Frill Studio released in 2018.
The plot develops in modern Tokyo and tells the story of the hard life of a girl named Takao Sana, who recently ran away from home and now she has nowhere to go. In the Internet cafe, it sets a "Diare", which means "God" and soon meets him. It becomes an ordinary office worker boy named Hachi do johnny, who is looking for a girl for sex, although he already has a bride. Will it be a salvation for Takao-Chan or will it be swallowed up by his dark side of debauchery and lust?
Added subtitles
- Year:2019 Year.
- Time:1ep. 25min.
- Source:Vn Game
- Genre:Big tits, Oral sex
- Translate:Subbed
- Director:Watase Toshihiro
- Studio:PinkPineapple