Taimanin Yukikaze Animation CGI
Taimanin Yukikaze Animation CGI
The visual novel "Taimanin Yukikaze" by Lilith Studio released in 2011. According to this story in 2013 released the anime adaptation of "Anti-Demon Ninja Yukikaze / Taimanin Yukikaze". Also in 2015 came the second part of the novel and a full sequel called Taimanin Yukikaze 2. This video contains the main cgi animations and animated scenes from the visual novel. Some scenes with Rinko have been lost, if you have a more complete rip - specify the download link in the comments or in the message "No video".
- Year:2011
- Time:1ep. 35min.
- Source:Vn Game
- Genre:GameRip, Big tits, Oral sex, Anal, Double penetration, Ahegao
- Translate:RAW
- Director:Lilith
- Studio:Lilith