Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei
"Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei" is a game strip of the eponymous hentai visual novel from ELF Studio. The game was released in late 2011. The action takes place in Tokyo 2012. The main character of the story Tanaka Masayoshi has been living a happy life for three years with his wife, the hairdresser Misaki. He works for a construction company and is a managing Director. His business partner from Aida invites him to visit the hot springs on Christmas eve. Tanaka gladly agrees, but he does not even imagine how to change his life because of this fleeting decision...
- Year:2011
- Time:1ep. 65min.
- Source:Vn Game
- Genre:GameRip, Netorare
- Translate:RAW
- Director:ELF
- Studio:ELF