Princess Limited
In the animation "the Princess Only!", it's about a girl named Selina. She is a Princess of one of the blossoming and developing countries in Western Mellberg. She doesn't want the public to know about her situation and so hiding your title she comes to Japan to teach at an ordinary school. She's in Japan have a relative by the name of the Oia, which she settled. After a time, a Princess named Olivia, from another prosperous country, moved to Japan because of what happened in the state coup. Met her in Japan with full honors. By chance, she met with the Oia, which she loved. Selina can't stand it and tells Olivia that she is not approaching...From this moment begins the battle of the princesses...
- Year:2012
- Time:2ep. 30 min.
- Source:
- Genre:fetish, footjob, large breasts, oral, straight
- Translate:Subtitles
- Director:N/A
- Studio:N/A