Sukebe Elf Tanbouki
Sukebe Elf Tanbouki
Sukebe Elf Tanbouki is a hentai anime adaptation of the manga of the same name by Makuu Gundan aka Shinozuka Atsuto from T-Rex Studios and directed by Raika Ken. The release is scheduled for July 2023. The protagonist of the story, Kaz Notus, is a graduate biologist who explores the enchanted forest in search of lustful elves. As a child, the hero's grandfather told him the story of his journey among the lustful elves. Of course, no one believed him, but our hero decided to prove the words of his grandfather and find this mysterious lustful race. Only when entering the forest the main character immediately encountered the first elf named Maana. Seeing her appetizing sexual forms and lewd robes, Kaz immediately decided that she was from the lustful elves and decided to see for himself the depravity of their people, pestering Maana and her sister Thiel...
- Year:2023 Year.
- Time:1ep. 15min.
- Source:Manga
- Genre:Big tits, Oral sex, Elf
- Translate:RAW
- Director:Raika Ken
- Studio:T-Rex