Gin no Otoko
Adaptation of the hentai manga" Gin no Otoko " Motomiya Hiroshi. The protagonist of the story Yuji-kun ordinary Japanese boy, a student at the University of Tokyo. The other day, for no reason, he was dumped by a girl he loved very much. Puzzled and desperate guy accidentally stumbled upon a strange advertisement in a local newspaper - a certain Agency "Evening" invites young sexy boys to work with female clients. Yuji-kun starts working as a host, in other words, to become a gigolo. He faces many unexpected challenges in his work, but his kind and honest attitude eventually wins the hearts of the ladies...
- Year:1992
- Time:1ep. 55min.
- Source:Manga
- Genre:Romance, Drama, Softcore, Femdom, Group sex
- Translate:RAW
- Director:Ishiguro Kouichi
- Studio:J.C. Staff